Thursday, 15 January 2015

Why is Wreck it Ralph post-modern because of it's style?

The film includes a lot of intertextuality:
- Sonic
- Mario
- PacMan
- Oreo
- Space Invaders

- Masculine genre in the game Hero's duty -  A rip off of HALO and Call Of Duty
- Fix it Felix Jr. is a retro old fashioned game
- Sugar Rush is a feminine racing game
Ralph goes between each of these games and ends up mixing them together by taking characters from different games into games that aren't theirs.

The game characters are in the hyper real world and are controlled by the humans in the real world - e.g. the poster is placed on the game screen and is almost God like to the game characters, can see them travelling through the wires of the game.

Similarly to intertextuality, lots of old games are seen in the film and may make the audience have that feeling of nostalgia.

The game is a simulation. This can be seen as the characters are animated, you can see the characters travelling through the wires of real life. However, reality and hyperreal are blurred as the human characters are also animated. 

- The female character from Hero's Duty is very masculine and calls the male soldiers "ladies" - it is a post modern game and therefore follows a post modern structure of the characters
- Felix is very polite and a typical modern man - the game in which he is in is a modernistic game so he is following modernistic structures.
- Ralph is a post modern character as he is an evil character but wants to be good in the film - he challenges modernistic views and also a modern view of games as he leaves his game

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