Monday, 6 October 2014

Representation - Essay Plan - Relating It To My Thriller

Marxism- hegemonic view of society -
Fundament inequalities in power between social groups. Groups in power exercise their influence culturally rather then by fource. - concepet has origins in Marxist theory - ruling capitalist class are able to protect their economic interests 
- David Gauntlett 2002 - argues that identities are not given but are constructed and negotiated 
Michel Maffesoli - the idea of urban tribe - members of these small groups share and have similar dress styles and common behaviours 

Ideology - A set of ideas which create a partial and selective view of reality.

Feminism - masculinity and femininity are socially constructed
- ideas about gender are produced and reflected in language (O'Sullivan et al 1998) 
- feminism is a lable that refers to a broad range of views containing one shared assumption - gender inequalities in society, historically masculine power exercised at right of women ta interacts and rights. - objectification of women's body in the media had been constant theme. 
Laura Mulvey - argues that the dominant point of view is masculine. Female body is displayed as male gaze.

Postmodernism - in media saturated world, the distinction between reality and media representations becomes blurred or invisible to us ( Julian McDougall 2009)
Modern period came before - people are concerned with representing reality, but now this gets mixed around and we end up with pastiche, parody and intertextuality. E.g Dominic strinati 1995 
- Baudrillard discussed the concept of hyperreality - we inhabit a society that is no longer made up of anything original 
Merrin - argues that's the media do not reflect and represent reality but instead produce it, employing this simulation to justify their own continuing existence

Stereotype - O'Sullivan et Al 1998 details that a stereotype is a Lable that involved a process of categorisation and evaluation. We can call stereotype shorthand to narratives because such simplistic representations define our understanding or media texts - basically we know who is good and bad/evil 
Martin Baker - basically says that's the stereotype of women typically being there for sex and babies/men being there for work - this is not always true 
Tessa Perkins - Stereotype is not a simple process 
Walter Lippmann - the world wasn't supposed to be so negative but was jus to be and easier ordering process 

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