1)how is gaming more Pomo then BM and WIR?
gaming is more post modern compared to WIR and BM as gaming is a doing word so therefor the audience is introacting with the game making it immersive. You cans create an artificial version of yourself making you an avatar. The TV program doesn't let you interact with the films or programs
2) how is gaming more Pomo then 1980s retro games 2 ways - fluid Identity and immersion flow
Where the retro games only allow your to be one person within the game, where as games such a sims3/4 allow to recreate yourself and also and do things your wouldn't necessarily perform in actual real life making it hyper real. You can progress through out the game. You don't have to keep anything the same, change is always allowed
3) how is TV (mod 1950s) trying to stay relevant? BM
BM uses post modern theories to warn the audience which is by the use of dystopia. Talks about pomo in a negative way to reduce the amour which it is used.
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