Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Lesson 24:02:15

Plato's allegory of the cave: 
Immersion & flow - immersed so fully in the simulated world that they don't believe the truth about the actual real world 

Hyper reality - you don't know the whole idea of the real world and you're stuck in one idea of what is real

Simulation - other people putting the simulation in (shadows) - celebrities 

Panopticon - you're trapped and other people can see you in the real world and the cave is like a prison, people can keep you chained in or let you out to see the real world

Technology has bought us to a place in history that has allowed us to produce simulations (avatars, 2nd lives, immersive reality, hyper reality) - this postmodernism: the collapse of the real and artificial. Baudrillard suggested we can no longer tell the difference - we are lost in simulation. This opens us up to the concept through familiarity with virtual worlds/virtual identity that reality itself is a simulation. Ironically by moving to digimodernism, we find our selves in Plato's cave.  

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